Solar & Storage

Solar & Storage

With farming becoming increasingly less profitable each year solar and storage offer landowners guaranteed index linked income for 30 years Plus.

Without battery storage, solar energy must be used in real-time, with any excess released to the grid. Solar plus storage saves your unused energy for later, reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and grid energy. This stored solar electricity can then be used outside of daylight hours, during cloudy spells, or for periods of unusually high energy consumption.


Solar is not just the most abundant source of energy in the world, it is also the cheapest, Solar farms are integral to the world’s electricity supply along with Battery storage, on-shore and off-shore wind.

Solar energy involves converting sunlight into electrical energy using photovoltaic (PV) panels which are either ground mounted on a piece of land or on a rooftop, It is affordable, reliable and low impact. 

Solar panels don’t need direct sunlight to work, they are 99% recyclable, solar energy is tried and tested to be reliable and has a positive impact on wildlife and biodiversity. 4% of the UK’s entire electricity was generated via solar in 2021 – a figure that will grow significantly over the next decade

In 2021 Energy supplied more than 4% of the UK’s entire electricity demand, this could treble by 2030 supporting the transition to next zero.

Site requirements

The sites must be a minimum of 30 acres and up to around 200 acres, either level or south facing, the land must be adjacent to or within 5km of some form of electrical infrastructure in the form of a substation or power station. the land can also be suitable if it has 33kV power lines running over it.

What We Offer

UPWARD ENERGY and its partner organisations offer a 30-year lease on suitable sites with a tenant option to re-new prior to termination. The starting rental can be up to £800 per acre per annum for the best sites going up to £1,400 Per acre index linked with inflation it will increase on an upward only basis every five years. As an alternative, a percentage share of annual revenue can be offered should this be preferred.

There is also a possibility for the landowner to take a share in the project should this be of interest.

To allow time for upward energy to gain all the necessary consents and to be offered a grid connection landowners of all sizes will be a requirement to enter into an Option Agreement before the lease commences.

Energy Storage

Battery storage is a proven, cost-effective technology and is essential to help us all achieve net zero by creating an electricity system that is clean, affordable and secure. utility-scale battery systems, known as Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS),  improve the resilience of the electricity system.  Battery storage allows electricity to be harnessed and put back into the network at other times such as at night when there is no solar generation helping balance the electricity system and preventing global blackouts.

Batteries help to manage variations in renewable generation and play a vital role in keeping the energy system stable at all times of the year. Storage acts as a first line of defence by being highly flexible assets which charge, or discharge as needed to ensure balance.

Batteries help to manage variations in renewable generation and play a vital role in keeping the energy system stable at all times of the year. Storage acts as a first line of defence by being highly flexible assets which charge, or discharge as needed to ensure balance.

Site requirements

Battery storage sites typically need to be next to large existing electrical infrastructure such as sub-stations or a power station.  Battery sites do not need much land as a guide per 50 MW (Megawatt) of batteries requires 1.18 acres, so 4.1 acres could house 175 MW of batteries.

What We Offer

Upward energy offers a 30-year lease on suitable sites with a tenant option to re-new prior to termination. The starting rental can be up to £1,200 per MW per installed acre per annum index linked with inflation for the best sites going up to £2,000 Per MW, this will increase on an upward only basis every five years. As an alternative, a percentage share of annual revenue can be offered should this be preferred.

There is also a possibility for the landowner to take a share in the project should this be of interest.

To allow time for upward energy to gain all the necessary consents and to be offered a grid connection landowners of all sizes will be a requirement to enter into an Option Agreement before the lease commences.

The green revolution is underway!

Contact us today for more information 

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